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Image by Andrew Valdivia


 Get to know some terms you'll be encountering as we explore Ken's World! 

Adj/Noun. often derogatory in context, refers to feminine queer men or queer men in general.


Ex. Sabi na, Barbie eh! (I knew he’d be a Barbie).


masculine for masculine; a term often expressed by masculine queer men who want to engage in sex exclusively with fellow masculine men


Ex. His Grindr bio said “Masc4Masc,” so you better deepen your voice when you meet!!


a term used by masculine queer men to express distaste for men who easily appear queer (mostly feminine queers), hence, the term halata (obvious)


Ex. Pass sa halata- I don’t get turned on by feminine men.


Adj. feminine/masculine; refers to a distinction made in queer online spaces between feminine-presenting and masculine-presenting gay men (among other sexualities).


Noun. occurs when a person is subject to society’s negative perceptions, intolerance, and stigma toward people with same-sex attraction. They then turn those ideas inward, believing that they are true, and experience self-hatred as a result of being a socially stigmatized person (Medical News Today).


Ex. My internalized homophobia made me jeer at feminine gays in high school, after being bullied a lot by straight peers for my own femininity.


Adjs/Nouns. Sex roles in male-for-male intercourse. Tops do the penetrating, while bottoms receive. Vers (or versatile) individuals are open to doing both.


Ex. I was bummed because I matched on Grindr with a handsome fellow, who also turned out to be a bottom. 


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